We continue to learn the truths about Medicare for All: we’d pay drastically higher taxes, for worse care – and we’d be forced to wait longer to see a doctor! Instead, some politicians are trying to sell us on more “moderate” proposals, like a public option that would “compete” with the private insurance that more than half of Americans rely on, or a Medicare “buy-in” that would flood an already-strained Medicare system at the expense of seniors who have paid into the system for decades.

But the truth is that those “moderate” alternates are the first step towards a government takeover of healthcare and a catastrophically expensive Medicare for All system.

We need commonsense solutions to the challenges of healthcare, not a radical overthrow of the current system we rely on.

It's time to tell your legislators and Democrats running for president: stop this destructive meddling and protect American healthcare.

Send a message today: upending the healthcare system that works for so many of us isn’t “reform.” It’s a recipe for higher costs and longer waits for desperately needed care.

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